Jivo Chat: Jivo Chat Key Features, Benefits, Pricing, Pros And Cons, Jivo Chat For Woo Commerce
JivoChat is fundamentally more than just a typical live talk! It supplies you with a 360° organization correspondence framework.

Jivo Chat Overview
JivoChat is fundamentally more than just a typical live talk! It supplies you with a 360° organization correspondence framework. JivoChat joins message channels, gives calls, and can be openly adaptable and configurable! With its enchanted, responsive and easy to understand configuration, it’s easy to utilize and works immaculately on practically any gadget. JivoChat net and versatile discussion gadgets are absolutely adaptable, with customers ready to order all text and decipher it into 20 dialects, including Chinese, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and considerably more. For locales covering various states, guest area data might be utilized to pick gadget language onto a for each guest establishment, and scatter conversations including representatives. ‘Brilliant actuates’ might be utilized to draw in clients in discussions, along with the ability to set rules in light of page arrangements and timing on page to enact specific programmed messages. JivoChat covers specialists’ presentation, for instance, measure of talks acknowledged and denied; time spent on line, normal reaction times, and client assessments, along with records of talks permitting managers full openness to all conversations. JivoChat likewise produces a day to day help quality score somewhere in the range of 5 and 0, estimating proactive visits, online events, missed conversations, client assessments, and the time taken to get a first reaction, additionally gives thoughts of regions that will require improvement.
JivoChat for Woo Commerce
JivoChat is essentially more than just an ordinary live visit! It supplies you with a 360° organization correspondence framework. JivoChat joins message pipes, gives calls, and can be uninhibitedly adaptable and configurable! With its otherworldly, responsive and easy to use configuration, it’s easy to utilize and works perfectly on any gadget.
Ultimate Business Communicator to the E-commerce
Jivo is Omni channel! Live discussions on your site, messages to your Facebook page, messages to your association’s email address, and calls to a phone number in any country all go to one favorable JivoChat application.

How can it function?
Live Talk: Talk with new and current visitors to your site with a proactive in-application visit.
Facebook: Proceed with your conversation on your clients’ main web-based news source: Facebook.
Business Telephone: Get a phone number in 50+ countries or sanction any ongoing number to make dynamic choices with Jivo Business Telephone. Use capable features, for instance, call accounts, moves, coordinating and that is only the start. An exceptional Moment Call-backs incorporate desires your potential clients to call you with the objective that you can close more plans.
Email: Divert messages from your association’s area (like [email protected]) to the JivoChat Inbox – your gathering will answer speedier, and no messages will anytime be missed.
Social Confirmation: JivoChat empowers every month 250k locales and 40k Facebook Pages generally all through the planet to partake in excess of 12 million live discussions.
Key Features of Jivo Chat
Activity Dashboard | Agent-to-agent chat |
Agents working time chart | Auto-Responders |
Automatic Notifications | Automatic helper with canned responses |
Blacklisting | Chat logs |
Chat targeting | Chat transfer |
Color-coded chats | Customer service quality ratings |
Customizable Branding | Customizable chat widget |
Daily performance email | Data Visualization |
Desktop Notifications | Email chat transcripts |
Filtered Views | Google Analytics integration |
Hotkeys | Knowledge Base |
Location-based chat distribution | |
Message ‘sneak-peek’ | Mobile chat widget |
Multi-Channel Communication | Multi-department Service |
Multi-language | Offline contact Type |
Page view histories | Pointer Instrument for directing Website Traffic |
Actual Time Analytics | Actual Time Notifications |
Real Time visitor monitoring | Reporting & Statistics |
Spell checker | Surveys & Feedback |
Tagging | Third Party Integration |
Ticket Management | Unlimited Talks |
Visitor Information and social profiles | Website Integration |
Workflow Management | ecommerce Integration |
- All text on your discussion gadget is absolutely adjustable and can be converted into 20 dialects.
- Clients may ‘sneak-look’ at messages individuals are forming, until they’re sent.
- Reports and conversation logs give supervisors and synopsis of specialist usefulness and administration quality.
- Guest data, for example, their social profiles, place, site visit foundation, talking about space name, and significantly more, could be recovered continuously.
- JivoChat precisely offers day to day help quality scores somewhere in the range of 0 and 5, which shows regions for development.
What makes Jivo Chat different?
Omni channel: Send and get client correspondences through live site talk, telephone, email, and Facebook.
Moment call-backs for guests: Knock your socks off by getting back to them back in under 27 seconds.
People truly love our portable application: JivoChat versatile is appraised 4.6 on the Apple AppStore, higher than most other live visit applications!
Multi-specialist talks: Move and welcome associates to partake in open help visits with clients.

What we do better?
- Access Facebook: Have live chat on Facebook successfully without hoping to sign in or open another tab.
- Guest Observing and Shrewd Triggers: Track your visitors constantly and proactively start live discussions with them upon conditions you’ve set.
- Programmed Interpreter: Fail to remember the language deterrents: JivoChat will translate your live visit in the two ways rapidly and without any problem.
- Speedy Expressions and Canned Reactions: Make pre-created messages and send them by using hotkeys, get thoughts from messages you’ve sent beforehand.
- Pointer: Feature express things on your site for your visitors.
- Composing Understanding: See the messages that visitors live creating before they hit “send.”
- CRM Combinations, Programming interface, Web snares and Portable SDK: Associate every gadget to our establishment and collect an astounding sincerely steady organization.
- Speedy Site Burden Time: Don’t worry about your stacking time: JivoChat contents are stacked no simultaneously.
- Every moment of each and every day backing: We ensure that we will not at any point permit you to down.
Pricing Plans

We’ve been looking for a live visit and correspondence genuinely steady organization for a really long time. They were either really expensive, across two unmistakable systems or basically not perfect! JivoChat is something we encountered enthusiastic affections for it, without barely making the slightest effort of use (on occasion – feel that it’s difficult to find past discussions, etc), the decision to facilitate mind Apple Business Talk is surprising too – in all honesty, very few associations support this and it makes our business look significantly more master. The correspondence side of things is wonderful too, with a wide extent of numbers to investigate and the effortlessness to get a call to your phone too. One thing it needs is to have hold music for when clients are stopping, and when the manager expects them to be deferred – this is an outright need have.
The message section where everything goes from live talk and calls essentially looks fairly tumultuous. Likewise, leaving a discussion doesn’t tell the visitor you’ve left the visit/completed the visit and it’s basically to a great extent fairly disturbing.